Mastering Outdoor Adventurous Activities


Effective  Learning Through Outdoor Experiences


Engaging in Outdoor Adventurous Activities (OAA) is essential for effective learning as it fosters holistic development and enhances various cognitive and physical skills. Through outdoor experiences, pupils are challenged to problem-solve, communicate effectively, and work collaboratively, all while navigating new environments. These activities promote resilience, confidence, and a deeper connection with nature, contributing to well-rounded personal and academic growth.

This comprehensive course on Outdoor Adventurous Activities provides a detailed exploration of the significance of OAA in physical education and the broader educational context. With a focus on orienteering and skill development, team building, problem-solving and the development of confidence, self-esteem, and transferable skills.

Free mini-course:  

  • Introduction and Course Aims
  • What, who, when, where and why?

This free mini-course introduces the course leader, Michael Chamberlain, an experienced educator for over 25 years with a diverse teaching background spanning classrooms, education centres, sports clubs, and businesses.

Michael introduces OAA as a vital component of the Physical Education National Curriculum and covers the key recommendations emphasising its fundamental skills through planned, progressive units across Key Stages. He outlines OAA's alignment with the National Curriculum's aims of developing competence, sustained physical activity, and engagement in competitive sports.

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Taking the full course: 

  • Gain essential skills and knowledge for effective implementation of  (OAA).
  • Align OAA with the PE National Curriculum, to focus on competence, sustained physical activity, and engagement in competitive sports. 
  • Help pupils to develop emotional and social skills vital for personal growth and learning. 
  • Learn about practical OAA activities such as orienteering and team building and how they can be, adapted for all ages and abilities.
  • Improve pupils' collaboration and communication skills through engaging OAA activities.
  • Develop pupils' problem-solving abilities and effective communication and help foster confidence, self-esteem, and lifelong interests in fitness and outdoor pursuits.
  • This CIMSPA-endorsed course includes: 5 Modules, 16 Units, 15 Videos, 3.5 Learning Hours, 10 Resources and 15 mini-quizzes 

Module 1: Outdoor and Adventurous Activities

Unit 1: Introduction and Course Aims
Unit 2: What, who, when, where and why?
Unit 3: Resources
Unit 4: Progression
Unit 5: Lesson Structure

The module introduces OAA as a vital component of the Physical Education National Curriculum, aligning with the aims of developing competence, sustained physical activity, and engagement in competitive sports. It underscores the role of OAA in promoting emotional and social development, encouraging teachers to approach it with confidence and enthusiasm.

Module 2: Practical Activities - Orienteering

Unit 1: Orienteering
Unit 2: Compass Directions
Unit 3: Collecting Information
Unit 4: Search Orienteering

This module introduces practical activities in Outdoor Adventure Activities (OAA), focusing on orienteering and skill development. It emphasises adaptability for all ages and abilities, centred on the 4 Cs: Cooperation, Collaboration, Compromise, and Communication.

Module 3: Practical Activities - Team Building

Unit 1: Working Together
Unit 2: Communication Skills

This module focuses on team building in OAA, emphasising collaboration and communication skills through activities like Racoon Circles. It introduces principles of Cooperation, Collaboration, Compromise, and Communication, demonstrating practical activities like Grand Prix and Pizza Throw.

Module 4:  Practical Activities - Problem-Solving 

Unit 1:  Communication, Teamwork and Cooperation
Unit 2: Problem Solving Development

This module delves into problem-solving activities in OAA, focusing on defining, prioritising, and selecting solutions to challenging issues. It introduces activities like Ordering and Labyrinth to help children develop problem-solving skills, with practical footage illustrating how to incorporate these games into OAA planning. Additionally, it introduces the 'Drainpipe' activity, emphasising the culmination of skills developed through group work and effective communication.

Module 5:  The Benefits 

Unit 1: Child and Teacher Benefits
Unit 2: Cross-Curricular Benefits
Unit 3: Course Conclusion

This final module explores the benefits of incorporating OAA into schools, emphasising the development of confidence, self-esteem, and transferable skills such as cooperation, collaboration, compromise, and communication (the 4 Cs). It underscores OAA's positive impact on physical literacy, exposure to diverse activities, and the cultivation of lifelong interests in fitness and outdoor pursuits. Additionally, the module highlights the importance of communication and problem-solving skills for overall social, academic, and emotional development, emphasizing educators' role in teaching life skills through the 4 Cs philosophy. It also discusses how OAA extends beyond outdoor settings, contributing to skill development across various subjects in the curriculum and offering opportunities for children in urban areas to explore the outdoors and reap physical, social, emotional, and cognitive benefits.

Mastering Outdoor Adventurous Activities

Cost £160 Thrive Member £80

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